Changing Lives for the Better
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland provides quality one-to-one mentoring relationships for children in need, based on a proven model that includes careful matching and on-going support for mentors, youth and parents/guardians.
Changing Lives for the Better, Forever
The difference between Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland’s programs and other mentoring organizations is the focus on evidence-based, successful and long-term mentoring, combined with measurement and reporting of outcomes.
Learn MoreAbout Our Vision
Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

Our Belief.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland believes that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life.

Our Endeavor.
Most children served by the agency are often part of a single, low-income family. We want to make a difference.

Start a College GradBetter Decisions

Of children in a household with an incarcerated parent, without an intervention, will suffer the same fate as their parent: incarceration.

Of former Littles surveyed agree that their Big played a role in their decision to attend college.
You make it happen.
Starting something begins with finding a great match between a Big and a Little. Making these matches, and performing all the background work involved with them, is possible because of donations from people like you. It's also why Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland is able to offer such a wide variety of programs that pair children with role models in one-to-one relationships.
Donate Today!
Program Categories
There are two categories of our mentoring programs, Community-Based and Site-Based, with specialized programs therein.
Community-Based Programs
Community-Based programs allow volunteer mentors (Bigs) to provide mentees (Littles) with dedicated time and attention, typically 2 – 4 times a month.
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Site-Based Programs
Site-Based programs allow Bigs and Littles individualized time and attention on a consistent basis, with the venue being the child’s school or other designated location, rather than the community.
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