Need some ideas?This is the place for you!
Have hard questions?
This is a place designated especially for Bigs to provide you with the support, inspiration, and materials you need to make your match even stronger. Don't forget to check out the resource links below!
Making things betterFor children, mentors and our community.
Not a Big?
If you volunteer as a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple or Big Family, you will receive specialized support.
Big InquiryLittle Inquiry
Give it a shotWe make it easy and comfortable.
Our support includes:
• Match Activities - fun activity and outing ideas to do with your Little
• Online resources to answer all your questions about being a Big Brother or Big Sister
Just For Our Bigs...
Sometimes we receive free or reduced ticket prices to local events and special occasions. Big Brothers Big Sisters will continue to alert all Bigs via email of any availability.
We encourage our matches to take advantage of any of these events! We also encourage our matches to thank the donor or sponsor whenever possible!
Resource Links
Everything you need to become and stay a successful and influential Big.

Have you spoken with your Mentoring Specialist lately?
Match Support is a benefit of being a Big Brother or Sister--a staff member is here to help you out--but it's also a requirement of our programs.
If you're in the first year of your match, you need to communicate with your Mentoring Specialist on a monthly basis (quarterly for longer matches).
If you receive a voicemail or e-mail from your Mentoring Specialist, please give him or her a call! It'll only take a few minutes, and it will keep you in compliance with Big Brothers Big Sisters safety rules. Thank you!